22 Mar 2023
ACETA Accreditation for audio, lighting, vision, service, and support

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The Australian Commercial and Entertainment Technologies Association (ACETA) is the peak body for the AV and entertainment technology industries. It represents the interests of those who manufacture, import, distribute, and use AV and entertainment technology products. Peak bodies are vital when dealing with governments, as they will only deal with official industry bodies, not individuals or businesses.
At the upcoming ACETA Convention in Wangaratta, Victoria, 5-7 May 2023, ACETA will launch their Accreditation programme for ACETA members in manufacturing, manufacturer’s representatives, and the service and support sector.
The intention of launching a peak body accreditation programme is to define standards in the industry, ensure safe workplaces, and reduce the instance of non-compliant products and practices. It is anticipated that the accreditation programme will be promoted to end-clients, including government, institutional, and corporate as a mark of quality in a supplier, ensuring their peace of mind when purchasing products or services. It is also anticipated that this accreditation will provide a competitive advantage for ACETA members when tendering or quoting for supply.
“The optional ACETA Accreditation will be available to all ACETA members,” confirms ACETA president Frank Hinton. “There will be three streams; manufacturer, manufacturer’s representative, and the service and support sector, ensuring the unique needs of all industry participants are met.”
Industry Best Practice Guidelines are now being established or updated by ACETA for all entertainment technology categories, including audio, lighting, vision, service and support. For example, ACETA Industry Best Practice Guidelines for the service and support sector will be based in part on the International Code of Practice for Entertainment Rigging (ICOPER). This will not only establish the ACETA compliance guideline for the sector, but also harmonise the Australian industry with the standards now established in the USA (ESTA), the UK (PLASA) and other nations that have adopted the ICOPER protocol.
“The ACETA Accreditation program is uniquely tailored to the needs of the Australian entertainment technology industry and will be modified and/or expanded following annual review,” concludes Frank. “The program is optional for ACETA members, and is a protocol founded on self-regulation. Any accreditation application will be lodged by the member and considered by an independent panel.”
If you wish to contribute to the establishment of the Accreditation programme, become an Accredited supplier, or attend The ACETA Convention to participate in its launch and development, join ACETA:
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