25 Mar 2020
ACETA ‘Get Paid to Train’ proposal – help get this up!

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On 18 March, the peak body ACETA (Australian Commercial and Entertainment Technologies Association), announced a proposal to lobby government to fund a ‘get paid to train’ programme for Australian entertainment industry workers. In their words:
“Production crew, technicians and sole traders get paid to train proposal.
Think of this like New Start Training; manufacturers, distributors, service providers or any other capable party would provide free on-line product or system training to those out of work. ACETA and other allied bodies will lobby government to provide direct payments to those who participate in the training program.
If successful, this proposal will assist our vital production crew, technicians and sole traders to increase skills, provide a potential pathway into other established and evolving career streams, whilst supporting them financially. “
If successful, this would provide much needed assistance to our sector in crisis, boost skills, and give dignity and purpose to thousands.
ACETA will need help to lobby, collate, and organise this programme. If you have training programmes or materials, make yourself known. To find out what you can do to help, please email
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