
18 May 2012

Bah! CX Media Newsbreak….

Welcome to Friday, and today’s breakfast was interrupted by unwrapping the front page of the Sydney Morning Herald. They have gone big with a promotion for their Airlink, which we just tried and can now consign to the trashcan of failure.

As you probably know, CX is a media network and today we debut our new email newsletter, CX ADVERT INSIDER, which is aimed at our media advertiser partners – people within the big audio, lighting and vision brands who buy space in our network to advance their cause and sell more product. Also people looking to advertise for crew or staff, in our Job Market.

(If you would like to also receive the CX ADVERT INSIDER newsletter, just email us: and we will add your name to the list. You don’t need to be an advertiser to read the newsletter, it deals with broad media issues as they relate to our industry).

Back to the AIRLINK: The idea is to download the latest SMH or AGE iphone app, then scan the photo in the paper that has an airlink link. So we tried to scan the Blue Wiggle (below) in vain. Which didn’t disappoint too much because CX despairs of artists like Prince and the Wiggles who must share the same lawyer because the confidentiality agreements that their crew sign are confusing and probably written in Nebraska. (Do we digress too much here? I mean really, the crew still talk about the female dancer indiscretions, but we don’t imply anything untoward has happened with anyone wearing Purple. Or do we?)


The Airlink relies on readers of the paper edition of the newspaper being bothered to scan it.

But CX has tried this before. We could have reported to the board at Fairfax and saved a lazy million or so. Remember the CX TAG (below)?


It comes from Microsoft and it is free (!) and they say will remain so. They (the big MS) have a premium version in the pipeline that will carry more features as yet to be revealed, but due to the poor takeup of this, will probably not emerge. We tried it, and the click through rate was poor, so we binned it.

More successful is the Q tag, pictured below with Kandii, one of our publishing assistants:


Some of our advertisers use this on their print adverts to track clicks. It hasn’t caught on in Australia like in Japan, where it is everywhere.

So that’s today’s Media rant – CX is trying to shoot a CXtra segment today if we can corral the crew. Maizels and Jimmy D tend to invent outside gigs whenever we need them inside, so we will see what happens.


Published monthly since 1991, our famous AV industry magazine is free for download or pay for print. Subscribers also receive CX News, our free weekly email with the latest industry news and jobs.