Connections 11 February 1994
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7 Editorial: Technical crew and MEAA policy on imported road crew – we need to respond; Connections in newsagents, but in odd places
8 Newcastle Civic Theatre 12Mil upgrade; Tony Youlden lighting, Peter Knowland acoustics
7 Opera House crew strike, claims of individual bargaining last straw
7, 20 Rich Music Studio saga, advertising for students; full saga pg20
8 Bonza Boxes re-opens as Ramtek (Ian Stewart pictured)
8 Media arts alliance seek feedback on their developing foreign crewing policy
8 RIP Juke magazine – A great music magazine in the tradition of GoSet, Daily Planet 10 and RAM – all gone but not forgotten.
11-13, 15 New Products
7 Who, Where, When, Media Watch – The Black Columns
16 Letters & Big Abuse
17 Showbiz News
20 Aux 2 – Gossip & Useless information
20 Phil Tripp news/views: Prepare for new future of music
21 Hire Biz Buzz, inc National Round up (photos Deb Collyer, Colin Pyke, Bronte Rhodes)
29 Studio pages: Rich studios training (photo Paul Rich); Victorian SAE ; MIDI pt8 p55)
29 Workbench with Howard Jones: Trouble-shooting a Sony PCM-501 and DA-50 DAT
31 Mastering with Paul Bryant: pro studio or home – some thoughts
32 Ex-Track studio news with Greg Simmons + BASF Studio Tracking Guide
68 The IDIOTS Guide to Stage Lighting Part 5: Lighting theatre
69 Lighting with Peter Kemp: Moving light tech progresses – what’s next?
74 Acoustics: Arrival time Pt3 by Glen Leembrugggen
74 Multimedia World – News, Products: Nimbus CD format;
75 NIMBUS is almost here… Revolution or hype? Can your domestic CD player REALLY replay video? (picture Dr. Jonathan Halliday)
78 Nightclub/DJ Section: Zoom club; Why Raves? by C. Grafton
82 Great Mistakes: A very anxious beachside gig
14 Profile: John Pope, Tour Manager
35 Wireless Microphone Systems by Greg Simmons
40-47 Buyers Guides: Wireless Mic Systems / Studio Monitors / PC Spots / Colour Changers / Scrollers
48 Scroll On Regardless – Cathy Gray visits the place where Australia’s only Scroller manufacturer lives. (photo of Lee Conlon, Gordon Simons)
51 Flying Speaker Systems by Andrew T Martin of ATM Flyware
80 Profile: DJ Kate Munroe
21 Tommy Emmanuel on tour (photo Greg Inglis, Allison McEwan)
23 Clouds at Byron Bay
23 Telecom Chief Executive Conference
24 Grace Knight by Julius Grafton
63 Lasers at Seaworld by TCP – C. Forcer (photos Raphael Buono, Phil Greaves)
57 Soundtracs Solo LOGIC MIDI automated console by Dave Macken and Bruce Waite
56 Yamaha QY20 by Dave Macken and Bruce Waite
61 XTA RT1 Spectrum Analyser – quick user review by Julius Grafton
61 Alesis Monitor One – quick user review by Julius Grafton