Connections 57 August 1998
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6 What claims? Industry leads in OHS efficiency, so why should we pay more for workers comp? By OHS writer, Anthony J Muzik
12 Letters, suggestions
13 Disney On Ice
18 Chicago opens
80 Film lighting: The Matrix
39 Hire & Production Company directory
57 Buyers Guide: Studio Mixing Consoles – with prices
84 Buyers Guide: Lighting Dimmers Review
67 City of Lights: Sydney CBD is magically transformed
24 Mackie HR824 active monitors
26 Focusrite Platinum, new low cost signal processors
30 StudioData software
76 LSC TS Dimmers
86 Abstract VR8 Scanner
70 Space Cannon Searchlights
13 Theatre backstage news
21 Audio Visual, Events News
20 AV: Brett Bower
32 How to do it: Duncan Fry on PA
36 How to do it: Tom Misner, studio
55 BASF national tracking guide
64 Rough Riders
90 The PA Page by Mr Orland
62 Neil Finn’s Try Whistling This Tour
67 City of Lights Sydney CBD Comes Alive
72 Boggo Gets Boggy: Geoff Squires lights a Gaol