CX 64 October 2011
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6 Catastrophe awaits, Loud wars, Swansong, Adelaide.
8 TOPGEAR: who are they trying lo impress? An audience almost buys the farm as boofheads chortle.
10 TRADESHOW SEASON — its a wrap. Fun if you live in Sydney. What happens next?
11 NETWORKING AT INTEGRATE. where your business is our business
12 PHOTO WRAP, people at Integrate.
14 TCP RISES from the gave after CPR from Musico
14 ICEHOUSE to rock industry fund raiser.
16 BEHRINGER add installed sound line, boost for NAS.
16 BITS AND BYTES, gossip roundup
18 CAN YOU SHARE a neutral? Is it safe? Stay clean…
20 NOVATECH TURNS TEN, CX was at the party!
22 THE START. Agenda details for industry association
24 AN AUSTRALIAN in Paris (and beyond).
26 AUGMENTED REALITY, live an stage or Optus.
30 THE GREAT SAFETY DEBATE – the one we have to have
36 BRISBANE FESTIVAL: new laser lghtshow shows off city
44 BLACKMAGIC SmartView Duo: rackmount small dual monitor.
46 ETC SELADOR Desire D40: Looks like a LED Par, only different
48 ROLAND R1000: 48 track recorder, one box with REAC
50 NEUMANN KH120 studio monitors: firest monitors for top mic maker
52 BOSE ROOMMATCH and PowerMatch: big installed sound release
56 THE LOUDNESS WARS, Why broadcast, recorded music and live need to get on the same page.
62 INSTALLER The call out.
66 DUNCAN FRY on a collection of varied lighting experiences.