Scene Change

Scene Change has a national network of virtual event studios in central locations, with free parking available in most, proper gear brands, and stringent safety processes in place. Brisbane, Sydney, and Melbourne are all equipped with LED wall backdrops. Apart from corporate and association events, the studios are also great for school graduations and end-of-year events. With NSW banning all social events in government schools in a bid to stop the spread of coronavirus, Scene Change has launched a speciality school service in their national Virtual Event Studios. The studios allow key student and staff presenters to host a show that’s a fitting tribute to the class of 2020’s efforts through every challenge. “It’s been really tough for schools this year, and it’s important to try to lift everyone’s spirits a bit,” said Scene Change Sydney Director Vicken Hekimian. “Combining pre-produced content and live student performances makes it a much more involving experience than the everyday virtual school experience.”