
5 Sep 2013

CityLife Church takes on Soundcraft Si Performer 3 & Shure PSM 900

Audio visual consultants Mozaix have supplied CityLife Church with a Soundcraft Si Performer 3 mixing console for use in their Manningham, Victoria, campus. “The Soundcraft Si Performer was chosen mainly for work flow and the audio quality it produces,” remarked Paul Tucker of Mozaix. “A number of consoles from different brands were tried but as the Church already owns a couple of Soundcraft Vi4 consoles in their main Knox campus, they were already quite partial to the Soundcraft brand.”

When it comes to operating the audio, the Church has a large volunteer base who do not necessarily have a high skills set and so the Soundcraft Si Performer’s ease of operation is paramount. “The world of digital consoles can be very confusing but the Soundcraft Si Performer makes it simple for the volunteers,” said Paul. “They all speak of the ease of getting around the work surface and how quickly they can be up and running on the console.”

Ian Moyes, Audio Director for the Church, candidly admits that he would have preferred a Soundcraft Vi 1 console but the budget didn’t allow for this, however he is very happy with his Si Performer which contains everything that was good about the Si Compact 32, along with even better features, such as the independent LCD channel screens and eight assignable VCA groups. “I was impressed by what the Si Performer 3 offers and of course, it sounds brilliant.” said Ian.

“There are a number of features that have filtered down from the Vi series that we like” continued Ian. “In particular, the Si Performer 3’s FaderGlow colour-coded faders. It’s very intuitive particularly when we are flicking between foldback and front of house. We can tell by looking at the faders that we’re in a foldback mix because they’re all yellow – it’s not always obvious that you are in a foldback mix with most digital consoles.”

Unique to the Soundcraft Si Performer is the integration of DMX. A DMX512 port is set into the back of the console to provide core lighting control, making it the first audio console that can also operate lights. However Ian states that if he has his way, his Si Performer won’t ever be used for lights!

At the same time, the Church acquired a Shure PSM 900 personal monitoring system for use in their main Knox campus. “They have a range of other Shure PSM models and by all reports they are very happy with the audio quality of their Shure PSM 900,” said Paul.  “They’re a nice clear sound,” concurred Ian. “They’re definitely a step up from our Shure PSM 600 – sound wise and channel versatility wise.”




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