Connections 72 Dec/Jan 2000
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News and Features
14 ShowSafe collapses
15 Dili Concert to test logistics
15 Euphonix heads for a new home in Australia
18 ENTECH Awards nominations close Dec 31
22 Western Sydney Uni Performing Arts Centre
25 My Favourite Mic! Brent Gray chooses the AKG C414
24 Rigging Note: safe loads with Tiny Good
26 Gadget Box: a gaggle of gizmo‘s
28 Merlin: Fairlight’s new recorder
30 Crown Showroom gets new PA
32 Hoyts try three sound systems
34 Angel Place Recital Hall
38 QBH – no ordinary club!
40 Letters
42 Millennium Buggered! With Fry
44 Audio Cables 3: Pseudo Science
50 How to do it: Studio Guide
51 How to do it: Live Guide
53 301 opens new studios – It’s the BIGGEST news in music recording in the region. A large recording complex with no expense spared. And an owner doesn‘t mind if he loses money! Hard to believe, we know!
57 BASF Tracking Guide
60 PRO Outlets Directory – where to buy professional equipment
72 Recording Gear: Our Buyer’s Guide updates you on what is new and what it costs. And our SPECIAL REPORT reveals what is hot for 2000 and which way the trend-o-meter is pointing.
74 Buyer‘s Guide: Recorders
77 Elvis – The Concert: Resurrecting the King
80 Orlando shed opera
82 Punters Perspective – Nightfall
84 Atmospheric Audio technical trickery on The Hobbit
89 Vari-Lite now selling through Jands
89 MiniMACs Debut at LDI ’99 Martin on a winner
89 Icon M demo wows LDI ’99 attendees
90 Dual Jands Duel
91 LED Wars writs served
92 Selecon produce architectural fitting – Aureol
94 Theiss ultimate power dimmer by Gavan Swift
98 High End Always Busy – plenty of new gear
98 Australian Companies at LDI ‘99
99 LDI ’99 Best of the Rest new products round-up
102 LX News
102 DMX Foot Massager and more fun products
102 ULA Open in Melbourne
103 Buyers Guide – Scrollers & Colour Changers