CX 35 April-June 2008
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6 Letters; Phill Tripp Glen Wheatley gaga not cool; More secret company business; Credit to Tom Meisner global push; Chugg best promoter, says Elton; Julius never manager of Pink Floyd; Bullet-proof youth older aches
8 Biz as usual as big show goes on: Staging Connections shakes off share price rout
10 Where now for Gary Hackett?
10 Another HK system for hire
10 Deluxe Audio choose Soundcraft Vi8
12 Trade Show Overload: ENTECH in the firing line as new annual show, new magazine proposed
14 Wireless Solution features in parade
14 Event Production adds Digidesign’s Venue
14 Save energy. Selecon’s 80V Power System
14 Bosch adds digital recording and playback to Discussion System
16 SSL birth the Matrix
16 APB PrcRack Monitor console maximise in/outs
16 PENN expand RocknRoller Carts
18 RØDE Uni delivers 30,000 videos
18 Vuepix does first gig at Motorshow
18 Lab.gruppen’s PLM Series land at ENTECH
19 Wireless DMX from DTS
19 Letters
22 Norwest Goes Global
32 NEW PRODUCT: RSS M400 V-Mixer
42 Frank Can’t Dance: lighting the So You Think You Can Dance show
50 The Installer: The Tale of Dave the Worm
56 Eh? Deaf Soundguy Challenge
74 Cleanliness is Next to…
58 PEOPLE: MIchael Quinn
62 ASK THE CXPERT: What’s in a Truck?
38 Duncan Fry: the 2008 Frankfurt report
52 History: Highlights from Connections Magazine May 1993 and April 1998
65 Subscriptions page
72 Cadena: Metrics and measuring light
78 Classifieds
78 Ad Index