CX 36 June-July 2008
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6 Letters cause issues; Bouquet of thanks; Injured and accidents – spare a thought; Look after yourself; Mono-skilling won’t cut it as lighting and sound boundaries blur
8 THE BIG ISSUE: BIG Brave new world beckons. The action is offshore as skills shortage escalates
10 BIG. How Big is Big?
10 Big Trouble – Band death charges
10 And More Big Trouble
10 Big Union – Tag and Klotz Digital get together
12 Big Beatup: Glenn Wheatley’s Misner connection savaged in media
12 Big Blockage: 15 tonnes of trouble under venue
12 ARX USB-Dl Digital to Analogue Direct Box
12 Jands Holiday Comp
14 Big Little: Low Energy Theatre Lighting London show lit with just 5kw
14 LED Strobe
14 16 in 48 Out Transformer Microphone/Line Splitter
16 PA for Australian Olympic Torch Relay
16 Cutting Edge Upgrades to Riedel Technology
16 AKG release C 214 recording microphone
18 Big Quiet Winter Concerts Pause Just Like Yesterday
19 The Foo Fighters world tour
21 Moving soon… Novatech relocation
21 Martin Pro makes money
21 Ashton budget wireless mic systems
22 Robe tours with Future Music
22 Selecon announce winners
24 Billy Elliot Hits Australia with M’elodie
24 Αnd ηow: ΖΕD FΧ
25 Microhire turns to HK Audio
25 Yamaha add VCM to DM1000, 02RS6 and 01W96
The Julius Campus Μega Τest: The Biggest New Idea In Reviews:
30 Robe Digital Spot 5000D
34 Neumann digital microphones
56 Grass Valley Indigo
68 Spectra T audio console
74 Contour Array Floor stackable line array from HK Audio
26 BIG SCREEN: Staging Connections unveils biggest screen yet. Very wide screens are the new thing for big events.
52 Matchbox Twenty Live in Sydney
84 THE |NSTALLER: The Tale Slick Mick
58 PEOPLE: Andy McIntyre
42 ASK THE CXPERT: The CXPERT gets fired up about Firewire
50 Duncan Fry: the trade-show Lanyard
82 Richard Cadena: Lighting for a Small Planet
54 History: Highlights from Connections Magazine June 1993 and 1998
77 Subscriptions Page
86 Classifieds
86 Ad Index