27 Oct 2017
Australian Commercial & Entertainment Technologies Association Convention

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A Vital New Resource is set to Indelibly Impact the Industry Calendar – And We Won’t Look Back
By Frank Hinton.
For some time, ACETA has been reporting the development of the inaugural industry convention initiative. The point has now been reached where core aspects are finalised and in the weeks ahead comprehensive details, including format and program content will be announced to expedite delegate registration. An active peak body enables industry to take control of its own destiny, you could rightly say that development, well-being and prosperity is in our own hands, therefore the ideal facilitating forum is indeed the convention. We are at the dawn
of a potent new force in our industry, one that represents opportunity for every participant to invest in their personal and corporate future in an environment never before available, and a resource only possible in the power of a progressive, determined and unified industry, exciting yes, compelling definitely.
The convention is structured to meet the needs of importers, exporters and service providers in every entertainment technology industry sector, be they a one-person operation or large corporation. Attendance is open to industry organisations with subsidised delegate fees for ACETA members and associate members. Additional benefit will be achieved by organisations sending members of their management structure as it is an ideal opportunity for corporate team building. In addition, the significant amount and variety of subject matter and resource material presented at the convention will provide impetus for ongoing in-house development across many streams including, sales, marketing, advertising, education, planning, administration, governance, restructure and funding to name but a few. By virtue of the convention social program and the regions many attractions, it is encouraged and ideally suited for partners to accompany delegates.
Simple, it will be all things to all people who care to seize the unique opportunity, remember no one but our own industry can present such an occasion. The inaugural convention will be experienced in a work hard, play hard environment, with a cram packed program of events, none of which is mandatory, therefore participation can be tailored to suit your own needs. The work program is aimed at personal, corporate and industry development with a focus on addressing the commercial landscape of the future. The normal work day environment of stress and pressure will be alleviated over this special three-day occasion, by virtue of the idyllic convention setting and the planned social events, which include casual and more formal opportunities. Needless to say, with the industry in one place, over several days, and not an order book in sight, the opportunity for networking is manifest. Yes, the idea is to have a fun, refreshing experience, then depart feeling informed and inspired.
We are satisfied that the expressed needs of the industry have been captured in the presentation of the convention program, one which is compelling, relevant and inspired by many who took the time to request and suggest. A common sentiment was that seminars and workshops be led by skilled and proven achievers, successful in the practise of what they preach, in preference to pop-star presenters or professional circuit speakers. This consensus has been applied in the realisation of a balanced roster of industry and non-industry skill across a broad range of subject matter.
There will be two plenary sessions, one at the start and one at the conclusion of the convention. Over Saturday the 5th and Sunday the 6th May 2018, 17 seminars and 3 workshops will be presented by a diverse range of individuals qualified in their subject matter that will include:
Media both now and in the future; Product Compliance and the Digital Dividend conducted by the ACMA; Corporate Strategic Planning; Leadership Mentoring; Industry and Venue Safety; The Economy-Today and Tomorrow; Facilitating Corporate Change (Amalgamation, Acquisition, Resource Sharing); Self-regulation/accreditation/certification/The ACETA Card; Interview Techniques for Positive Outcomes; Contract Law/Digital Signatures;
E-commerce; The Personal Property Security Register (PPRS); Agreements; Corporate OHS; Employment Contracts; Foreign Currency Trade-The Inside Story; Business Re-location-to a lower cost region; Export Assistance; Importer Workshop; Exporter Workshop; Service Provider Workshop.
A number of Social Activities have been arranged and will include: A golf day on Friday the 4th May, followed by a late afternoon civic function and wine tasting sponsored by the Glenrowan Vignerons Association. On the evening of Saturday, the 5th May, a Gala Industry Dinner Dance will be held featuring a gourmet 4 course dinner, an extensive selection of regional wines underpinned by a diverse array of quality live music. Please note; this is a dress to impress type of occasion and will be held in the Gateway Hotel Ballroom.
The ACETA Annual General Meeting will be at 5.00pm on Saturday evening the 5th May. It is interesting to note how much easier many things are and how they fall in to place more seamlessly in a shared vision.
All the best. Frank Hinton President ACETA
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