CX 31 Oct-Dec 2007
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8 Premier Technology disaster; as moving lights fade, skills needed on graphics; Dolby and Audinate in Sydney – some smart people out there; short-changing crew undermines industry, and CX remembers shonksters; odd things sound engineers hear
10 Plasa 2007 – Where, When, What, Why?
14 DiGiCo debut SD7
16 Roland‘s 48 channel surprise console
16 KIVA unveiled and AAA first to buy
16 Staging Connections re-emerges
17 3 arena shows. 3 states. 3 days
18 Mackie goes to Billy Hyde
18 DPA do 4030 mini lav
18 High power LED leads launch
19 AMA announce officeholders
19 ULA to add W-DMX
21 Whitsunday HK Audio Tringle
21 FlashMic gets Line in
22 New force as Lighthouse debut Alpha
22 The strike ‘em dumb T Shirt
22 Freelance Tech Australia Directory
24 Hills SVL on the road
24 ENTECH intro Worship Tech training
24 Specialist lighting Seminars from ALA
24 Jands Staging Division Expands
25 Harman saved from bankers
25 Ambertech results and SSL
38 Powderchair – 20 Hits, 2 Bands, 5 trucks and 60 days
48 Here Comes Billy
54 Lights Sound Video Hotdog Action! Julius College Technical Party
68 The Digital Everything Primer
88 The Lighting Guy Who Ate a Country Town
26 HOW TO: Mic up a Drum Kit
74 Ask the CXPERT: New Directions in Vision
46 PEOPLE: Paul Collison, lighting design
66 PEOPLE: Bill Coghill, integration specialist
84 PEOPLE: Ryan Marginson, lighting designer
REGULARS (including Wisdom of the Ancients)
50 History: What was in Channels Sept/Nov 1992 and Connections Oct 1997 magazines
52 Richard Cadena; Tesla and why we use AC
85 Subscriptions
86 Duncan Fry: Regrets of Equipment Past
89 Classifieds
90 Ad index