CX 4 Sept-Aug 2003

7      Collapsing stages, safety message cannot be clearer;  We’ll be issuing tech qualifications soon; Different approaches for studio and live engineers;

500 friends (plus Julius Grafton) were flown to the opening of the new SAZ complex at Byron Bay. It would have been worth a couple of pages, but then Tom unveiled his took – The Misner Factor. Amazing revelations pour forth, leading to our major feature on an extraordinary guy who just doesn’t seen to care what anyone thinks! Billionaire, fanatic, collector of cars and blondes. Obviously this is the way to amass a fortune. Read on!
The critics panned it, we saw it in London, it rocks! Now the first touring version has opened in Melbourne. We talk to the designers
Beautiful building, where everything works like it should. A good case for consultation, and a model
for how to do it right. We detail it.
Lighting’s unlikely couple share the reasons for the success of Chameleon Touring Systems.
76    MAC 2000 WASH
We light the sky with the latest moving wash from Martin, the company who presently do no wrong
49    RWTV
How a club spent a million dollars on a TV station with PLASMA screens al. over, and will earn it all back again. A good idea!
$1 million will buy you
* A new rehearsal studio complex (see Soundcheck, page 62)
* 75 Mac 2000’s (Chameleon bought 150. See page 52)
* A complete TV station (See RWTV, page 49)
* 20 Iveco Daily maxi-vans (Sae Motoring, page 64)

$40 million will buy you
* The worlds newest audio college (SAE, page 24)
* One beautiful new theatre (Sydney Theatre, page 49)
* Juliusmedia! (Just kidding, not for sale!)


56    2.4 GIG WIRELESS The dream becomes reality, as we road test the new Sabine wireless mic
66    GREAT SOUND! Birtles Shorrock Goble lay down the live DVD, as Ernie Rose is unearthed
58    DRUM MIC’S  Tim Powel’s studio is the venue as we chase elusive great sound
62    SOUNDCHECK  Inside a new, clean, neat rehearsal studio complex
63    TRAINING  Course news, and the story of Greg, who gets the girl!
64    MOTORING  Iveco Turbo Daily
68    HELP!   Marissa wants us to watch out for one of our own
70    AV DEPT REBUILT   Why in-house is better than contracted AV!
72    LOCATION SOUND  More bar talk with Guntis
78    DMX LISTENER  A new way to work dmx!
82    INNOVASON SYS80  Road tested, the new Global Console. New ideas!
87    BACKSTAGE  News that is quirky
90    BUSINESS   Dull but essential news