16 Jun 2021
Some Support for VIC, But Not What Was Promised

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Sadly, the Victorian government has not lived up to its recent promise of providing “$20 million in targeted support for the event industry”.
While some of what was finally announced will help businesses in the Event Industry, we are deeply disappointed by much of what has been announced:
Half of the funding – $10 million – has been diverted to the Arts.
The Event Industry certainly doesn’t begrudge our Arts colleagues receiving support but it should not have been at the expense of the Event Industry. (Noting that the Arts have received $508 million in support so far – though much hasn’t ended up with the people and businesses that needed it most.)
$7 million is for ‘major events’ organisers or suppliers – for events in the four weeks from May 27 2021. However this is limited to businesses with an annual payroll of over $3 million – so most event industry businesses will not be eligible. How is this fair and right?
$3 million is for organisers and suppliers of already registered Tier 1 and 2 events due to happen between May 27 and June 24. With up to $25k for the organiser of an event and up to $10k for each supplier.
So if you are a supplier that was meant to be working on one of these events – which generally are events with more than 1,000 pax – do contact the organiser to check if they are applying for this funding as they need to nominate you.
This will certainly help some event industry businesses. We did manage to convince DJPR to include suppliers in this, as suppliers were not originally going to be included.
All the details can be found here:
Sadly this support package means that a lot of events and event industry businesses will not be getting any support through this funding. This is not right. In fact, it really is a kick in the guts for much of the industry.
Save Victorian Events has always been about being a voice for the people and businesses that really work in Victoria’s Event Industry – the cogs in the wheel.
For too long the government support has always gone to the well connected few – with those who work really hard to build their businesses and delivering the events generally missing out. Sadly, we are seeing that once again through this funding announcement.
Save Victorian Events pushed hard for the whole $20 million to be allocated to event industry businesses that needed it most. We have explained to the key people in government in great detail over the last few months the exact situations that many event industry people and businesses are currently in – so they made their decisions despite knowing these details.
Frustratingly, DJPR and the Minister for Major Events still don’t understand our Event Industry and all those that it involves. Some of them don’t even seem to want to understand it. They seem to be doing what is going to be simple for them instead of what will be best for the event industry.
This lockdown and the lack of a roadmap out of it is incredibly difficult for everyone in our industry. We keep pushing every day to try to get clarity on the restrictions, on a way forward, etc… And will keep pushing for proper financial support.
We appreciate that many of you are exhausted, fatigued and quite frankly over all the bureaucracy and politics. Many have left the industry and even the state, but we can still shout loud. We need to continue to be heard, as we know there is much more we need to the government to do over the next year to help all of us get through this in terms of both the ongoing health and business impacts.
The parliamentary inquiry report is currently being finalised and this another opportunity for us to be right in the committee’s ears about how our industry is not being supported and recognised.
If you can, please do call one of your area’s Labor MPs. Click here for their phone numbers:
Or use this link to send them an email:
We know the Event Industry is now a sensitive issue for MPs, so every phone call and email really does help.
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