17 Oct 2017
20 Questions with Kellie McKee

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Kellie McKee was born and raised in Queensland, studying at Southbank Institute of Technology where she completed a diploma of technical production. Kellie moved to Sydney in 2010 to work with JPJ Audio and she has worked full time with them ever since. Kellie has worked on a variety of different shows from tours, festivals, corporate or just one off events.
- What are the three best things about your job?
– Getting to travel to different places
– Working with amazing artists, bands and crews
– The people I get to work with everyday
- And the three worst things?
– Being away from loved ones
– Overnighters/ lack of sleep
– Outdoor shows in the rain
- What do you never leave home without when working?
Phone, sharpie, computer and a whole lot of Sass.
- What was the worst nightmare you encountered on the road?
Luckily I haven’t had any real nightmare situations yet.
- What has been the strangest request from an artist?
I must not have had a really strange request, because I can’t seem to think of one, I’m sure if I had I would remember it.
- Who was hell to work with (probably best not to actually mention name but elude to it)?
Most people I‘ve had the chance to work with have all been really nice and easy to deal with. I do get the odd occasion however where it’s a lot more difficult then it needs to be, those days aren’t so much fun.
- What is the most stupid request you’ve had from a member of the public, artist or promoter?
I tend to get quite a few questions relating to production instead of audio; such as can we get some towels/water onstage etc. I’m pretty sure at least once a gig I will have to say to somebody sorry I’m just doing audio you will have to check with somebody from production.
- In your opinion, what’s the best show you’ve worked on and why?
Bruce Springsteen tour 2015 – great run, great crew, amazing band and the boss punched out a different three hour set every show.
- What is the most bizarre sight you have ever seen at a gig?
Nothing comes to mind for this one. I wish I had a good story about something bizarre though.
- Who do you admire in the industry and why?
Females, we work in a male dominated industry so it’s always great to see fellow females working and taking on big roles and kicking goals in the industry.
- Which venue is your favourite and why?
I haven’t been there for what seems like quite awhile but I like doing shows at Rod Laver in Melbourne. Or the Enmore – always had a good gig there and it’s a great venue to go see a gig.
- Which recent piece of production gear do you view as a game-changer?
The Shure Axient digital system.
- What is the most outrageous thing you have ever done on tour?
I haven’t really done anything too outrageous on tour.
- What was the worst weather event you’ve encountered at an outdoors gig?
I can’t say I’ve experienced any extreme weather conditions although there’s been a few gigs where I’ve loaded in or out in the pouring rain. Load out for Mumford and Sons’ Gentleman of the Road show at the Domain was definitely one of those times! Also Splendour in the Grass 2015 was a mud fest, luckily for me I wasn’t there the whole time and didn’t have to endure the mud all weekend but we did get very bogged attempting to leave site.
- What would your ideal rig contain?
DiGiCo SD5 as a monitor console, Shure PSM 1000 for IEM’s and coffee.
- Which band would you most like to work for and why?
Arctic Monkeys, great musicians who put on an amazing show.
- Do you have a favourite mantra to get you through the day?
Can coffee be classed as a mantra? Cause that’s what gets me through the day.
- What do you think of the Australian live music industry at the moment?
We‘ve lost a few big name festivals over the past few years, but its given way for a lot of smaller festivals that are giving the upcoming musicians of Australia a chance to be heard and seen perform live. It’s also giving a chance for smaller productions companies to get their name out and place them in the industry.
- If you could invent anything to do with audio, what would it be?
Oh that’s a tough one!
- What did you really want to be when you grew up?
A Marine Biologist.
(Compiled by Cat Strom)
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