28 Aug 2019
Comms plus ‘silent’ and live PA for 6,000

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The P.A. People deliver full comms plus ‘silent’ and live PA for 6,000 seat conference
At a recent international conference held in Sydney, The P.A. People provided an intricate Clear-Com system, incorporating over 30 desktop panels, 85 FreeSpeak II wireless belt packs and 20 IP transceivers supported by the venue’s fibre network, to provide seamless wireless communications coverage over five exhibition halls, two theatres, one ballroom, and a quantity of breakout workshops and AV control rooms.
A comms team of three managed the needs of around 120 event crew. An engineer monitored the system, battery life, and performed live configuration changes as user numbers varied or event staff were re-deployed to different areas, while two field engineers supported the event crew across three linked buildings.
This ability to communicate across such a large venue provided a new dimension in agility and flexibility to the production team in responding to the minute to minute needs of the event as well as providing deep links into each “show” for the executive producers.
As part of a turnkey system, The P.A. People provided 6000 seats of ‘silent PA’ utilising low power FM transmitters in five separate purpose-built theatres of around 1200 seats. Each had its own FM technician for audience support and off-air monitoring for quality control.
Added to the silent PA were three live PA systems. One was integrated into an exhibition stand theatrette and two further systems provided reinforcement in draped theatrettes, complicated by being side-by-side.
The PA People’s Bose ShowMatch rental system featured in the two theatrettes to provide a listening experience with plenty of dynamic range for the on-screen content and clarity for the spoken word, with very little acoustic interference between rooms.
Two audio engineers operated and managed the Bose ShowMatch and exhibition space PA systems.
News from August CX Magazine, p. 17.
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