
4 Mar 2015

Current RMS & Xero | The Ultimate Cloud Partnership

Since launching back in September 2014, over 250 rental businesses in the AV, Lighting, Events and Broadcast sectors are now signed up to Current RMS, quickly identifying the benefits of cloud rental management software.

At the end of January 2015, Current RMS officially became a partner of the popular cloud accounting software Xero, offering seamless integration with this easy to use product, streamlining the rental cycle that one step further.

Prior to launching Current RMS, rental experts came onboard to test the system, working with the team to ensure it was entirely ready for launch. The same process took place for the Xero integration. One of the testers, Steve Lucas, Owner of Soundbite Productions, has quickly seen the benefits of operating his rental business entirely in the cloud.

“Current is a must have for rental and hire companies, especially for those who are in the events industry. It gives you the ability to manage all your jobs, clients and quotations wherever you are and whatever device you’re using. It now integrates with Xero, keeping all client contact details in sync on both systems and instantly posts your invoices to Xero once the job is complete.”

Key integration features include:

  • Instantly post credit notes and invoices directly to Xero
  • Contacts and Organisations within Current RMS are synced bidirectionally to Xero

“We are really excited about becoming an add-on partner for Xero. We took the time to research a range of different cloud accounting solutions out there in the market and from this, knew Xero would be the ideal fit for Current RMS. Xero represents everything we believe Current RMS represents, it’s modern, powerful and easy to use and already a well recognised product in the rental industry. Chris Branson, CEO, Current RMS.

Current RMS will be looking to integrate with other popular accounting software systems in the near future.

To take a look at Current RMS, as well as this new integration with Xero, sign up for the free 30-day trial.



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