
17 Sep 2013

Darwin Safety: the plot thickens

container in air

Our Blog on Safety, Darwin Style last week attracted a lot of comments, here. Now this additional image has come to hand, showing a remarkable disregard for basic safety with a crew member or observer standing without a hard hat and wearing what appear to be thongs.

This is allegedly the load in of the same Darwin Symphony Orchestra show, on the same barge, as depicted in the article above.

But we also got punked by a fictitious comment which CX regret crept through our approval process. That comment asserted that Scene Change, and indeed Staging Connections, would also disregard safety. The comment (now removed) said, in part:

I’ve worked at Scene Change for two years now and I cannot see how this could be seen as wrong? The industry may try to hide the fact it happens but I’ve also seen it in Staging Connections and many other companies.

The comment was attributed to a crew member, and came from an email account named after the crew member – but he did NOT MAKE THIS COMMENT.

CX apologize unreservedly to Scene Change and to Staging Connections for this.


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