5 Aug 2003
Hiistory pix from John Pryzibilla
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A few more pictures, this time of the rigs for some classic Australian rock bands. And words from John Pryzibilla, in Adelaide. This is a web-site of interest to me, because I worked in the industry from the late sixties to 1980, doing some lighting and early stage pyro, but mainly doing sound. I worked mostly for Trevmar Sound in Adelaide – rigging, mixing and finally managing the company before we sold up.
My last gig was a new years Eve outdoor concert where I mixed Stylus, Cold Chisel, Renee Geyer, The Angels, Little River Band and AC/DC in one six-hour session . . . no sound-checks, either 24 or 32-channels I think, and you just got the mix roughly right in the (very manic) first 30 seconds, and tuned it up during the rest of the first two numbers. Fun days.
Because most bands didn’t bring PA to Adelaide until the mid-70’s, I got to mix almost every major Australian act in that period from ’69 to ’75.
I’ll see if I can drag out some photos.
All the best,
John Pryzibilla
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