
30 Jan 2024

ISE 2024 Day 1 – One Show to Rule Them All

by Jason Allen

…. and in the darkness bind them.

Hola from Barcelona, and the biggest, most OTT show in the 20 year history of ISE. Far outgrowing its pure AV roots, the show has now added a dedicated Hall for lighting and staging, complete with smoke isolation, darkness, and lasers. Its also added another Hall to boot. These additions are roughly the size of one and half Integrates, for example, meaning the whole show is roughly the equivalent of eight or so of our homegrown shows.

The addition of this dedicated lighting and staging Hall now firmly cements ISE as your international ‘one and done’ show for anyone operating in production, AV, events, venues, corporate, UC and more. And the thing about the Australia and New Zealand markets is that we’re so much more generalist than other larger countries, and most of us operate across markets and disciplines. ISE has you covered, no matter what you’re into.

Touring through the newest additions this morning, I could actualy spend most of my time between Hall 1 and Hall 7 (audio), with a couple of vistits to Hall 3 (LED, AV, a bit of audio), and probably still not see all of just those Halls. Halls 4 and 6 and the audio demos in 8 are going to go unvisited, I think. I have managed to talk to some lovely video processing people in Hall 5 though. Luckily, I have some helpers who are deeply into video, media servers, content capture and more who will be covering them for me!

The numbers of visitors is already approaching ‘difficult to maneuveur’and we’re only 2 1/2 hours in as I write this. I will be putting together a full report for the March edition of the magazine, but in the meantime, check out CX News email for highlights (Subscribe here if you’re not already signed up!) and keep an eye on our socials!


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