
27 May 2020

Managers swimming in confusion: Survey flags JobKeeper troubles

The just-closed Julius Partners survey of workers and industry bosses across the performance technology, AV and associated install and integration industries reveals deep insecurity and pessimism. Over 400 people participated, responding to a series of questions framed to examine the financial and personal state of the industry.

Early reading says that overall we are resilient – yet a disturbing number of us report knowing of some breakdowns. More importantly, the survey reports confusing disfunction around the JobKeeper scheme. Around 25% of those surveyed are either on the scheme or managing it. Those managing are wallowing.

The scheme pays $1,500 gross per fortnight, or $750 a week before tax. Some firms and venues have those staff off on leave, slowly extinguishing entitlements. Some have then turning up for $750 a week worth of hours, to do whatever.

In many cases, the difficulties most prominently can swing towards the business owner, administering a payroll of less – or barely productive – crew, and motivating them. That seems to be taking a heavy toll, with many unsure on the hourly rates to be applied against JobKeeper, the superannuation burden, and the treatment of accumulated leave.

The full results of the survey will be published in the June edition of CX Magazine. Subscribe here to stay up to date!


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