26 Aug 2021
National Event Industry Survey: The Financial Impact On You, Your Business And Your Events

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It is a very challenging time in Australia’s Event Industry with two states in extended lockdown, many border closures, and a huge amount of uncertainty. We hope you are doing ok.
We are encouraging people and businesses from right across the Event Industry to complete this national survey to help quantify our difficult situation. It would great to have your help with this:
Our February survey helped to start to get the real situation in the Event Industry understood by governments. This survey will give us very specific data to help us, and other industry organisations, to quantify and explain the current situation for workers, freelancers and businesses in the Event Industry to governments and to the media.
We encourage everyone involved in the Event Industry – including event people who might not still be working in the event industry – to participate in this survey.
It only takes a couple of minutes and will really help.
Call Your Local Member of Parliament TODAY
The Event Industry is not getting the financial support from federal or state governments that it needs or deserves. So we are also encouraging everyone to pick up the phone today to call your local members of parliament and let them know what the real situation is now like in the Event Industry.
You can use this link to automatically find the names and phone numbers for your local federal and state/territory members of parliament from right around Australia:
It is a small thing but one that we know really does make a difference. Many local MPs still don’t understand our industry nor do they fully comprehend what people and businesses in the Event Industry are going through, so they need to hear from the event people in their electorate.
So please call your local members of parliament today. If you can’t get through to your MP ask to make a time to speak with them. And then tell them about your situation, about what your colleagues are going through, and what is needed.
We need real financial support so that people and businesses can survive and Covid cancel event insurance to help events to happen again.
It only takes a few minutes to do.
These are small quick things that everyone can do that really do help.
Again, we know this is a really difficult time for everyone. So please do look after yourself, and please do check up on your event friends and colleagues. Together we will get through this.
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