11 Sep 2014
Staging Connections Boosts Western Australian team
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Staging Connections’ Western Australia (WA) team has welcomed Matt Simpson to the role of Creative Consultant and Multimedia Manager to lead a change in creating exceptional event experiences. Matt brings to the role a wealth of experience in digital technologies including his role as creatures effects videographer on set for the world’s largest movie franchise Harry Potter.
Since joining the team Matt has worked with newly appointed State Manager Idris Achmad (pictured above) to define the creative digital event capability for the WA business, and more broadly the sister business in Adelaide. Recently Matt was the creative lead on the delivery of a very successful Adelaide Crows players’ launch promotion.
Recently appointed as WA State Manager, Mr Achmad is an industry veteran with four years working in the WA market and over 10 years with the Staging Connections business.
Mr Achmad’s remit as state manager is to lead a strong and dedicated team as they continue deliver events that position Staging Connections at the front of event technology through the integration of digital assets to heighten event engagement.
“It has been a pleasure to have Matt join the team and inject a new capability. We pride ourselves on leading the way in delivering exceptional event experiences, the introduction of Matt’s wealth of knowledge and depth of skill combined with a range of new technologies to bolster our capabilities has created a new event force in the Western Australian market and one I’m honoured to lead.” said Mr Achmad.
Matt is excited to have joined the WA team at such a pinnacle time and is eager to see the team to continue to lead the industry in the delivery of world class events.
“I’m privileged to have joined such a passionate team. Their focus on the client and creating industry leading events is a pleasure to be a part of,” said Mr Simpson
“We understand the importance of ensuring a client’s brand permeates every level of the event, and this comes down to attention to detail which I believe sets our team apart.” added Mr Simpson
Looking towards the future Mr Simpson expects the industry will witness an even greater convergence between software performance and projection quality that will have a flow on effect to event delivery, “Digital artists are now able to work in huge resolutions, which translates into razor sharp projected images that completely fill the viewer’s field of vision, creating a completely immersive experience.“
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