10 Jul 2019
The Weekly Julius (July 10)

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Jason Allen is finishing his Apache Kafka accreditation this week, so again he threw open the chance to edit this news and again Julius jumped in. Must be all that relevance depravation, and the inherent dullness of Julius Partners Advisory which is, let’s face it, more about helping businesses with the mundane and the unexpected than this – the backstage of backstage, the dark of dark stages, the roar of the greasepaint and the smell of the crowd!
Oh and thanks for the feedback, sounds like we’d better encourage Jason not to pursue that Doctorate in Parapsychology anytime soon. We need to put Julius back into his analogue control room and take back the codes. GOOD NEWS.
Melbourne riggers are a feisty lot. Anytime something isn’t right they are fast to the draw. We have a couple of images of a temporary solution that – some say – is not how you do it. We simply can’t judge, so share these to seek comments.
Then there was the fall-over of the structure at Melbourne Firelight. Many say the obvious fail is the ground weight blocks were applied to two sides not four sides, and the wind didn’t play nice. These same structures have been seen elsewhere previously – We simply can’t judge right or wrong, but when something drops we all need to learn collectively to make sure it doesn’t drop again. Right? Oh and of course the equipment vendor has the loss to deal with. So they clearly wouldn’t use the same design again. Would they? BAD NEWS.
Osram, the once huge name in theatre lamps, has been flogged off to some vulture fund for 3.8 billion Euro. The German company has struggled since it was spun off from Siemens then Osram’s focus went to high-tech specialized lighting and LED chips. In decline. SAD NEWS.
“I worked the Earth Wind and Fire show Friday night in Youngstown Ohio”, posted George Kennedy on Stagehand Humor FB. “At the end of the show they brought the three stars offstage first. As they walked past us stagehands we gave each of them a round of applause. The first two, Phillip and Ralph both waved and politely acknowledged us. When they walked the bass player and original member Verdine White past us he veered away from his escorts and shook hands with almost every stagehand. He also thanked us for being there and helping out. A real class act.” REAL NEWS.
‘90% of patrons at festivals take drugs’ screamed the Sydney Morning Herald yesterday (Tuesday July 9). The story is centred on a coronial inquest into drug deaths at EDM Festivals which led the incredibly uptight NSW Premier to declare she would ‘shut down’ one in particular – Defqon1. Which is now cancelled. To do so she directed Licensing and NSW Health to set the rules so tough no festival – of any kind – can now operate profitably across the entire state. Simply require a battalion of user-pays police, and paramedics. And NSW Health makes the claim in court that ‘90% of patrons at festivals do drugs’. News indeed for anyone at our local community festival, where you can’t even buy a beer. NSW, the state with no cheer. STUPID NEWS.
Finally, the Norwest Marine AV division has fitted up seven or more floating RSL clubs so far, with nautical AV designer Captain Chris Kennedy at the helm. (Warning: bad metaphor alert!) Sea-ing a whale of an opportunity, he embarked on a voyage to assist cruise lines float their investments more eagle-ly, while fishing around for ways to haul in the net. The catch includes the upgrading of onboard audio systems to L-Acoustic L-ISA, adding a school of speakers where previously there were but a pair. Keeping the profit margin headed starboard, Kennedy says there are another 90 ships out there and that floats his boat. Who says we don’t support our competitive media? Here’s a link to their NW Marine writeup: SEAL NEWS.
That’s it from Julius. He is back at Julius Partners Advisory now, working on some deals you’ll probably never know – as well as another media concept best described as ‘steam-punking local press’.
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